Virtual Serial Ports Emulator
COM ports emulation solution

Frequently asked questions

I did not receive email with activation key after purchase, what should I do?
  • Check your SPAM folder.
  • Contact us, and we will re-send you the activation key.

I got my activation key email, how do I register VSPE?
  • Copy activation key from email message (select the entire key and press CTRL+C).
  • In VSPE registration window, paste the key using CTRL+V.

How do I update VSPE to the latest version?
  • Close all applications which are currently using VSPE virtual COM ports.
  • Uninstall old VSPE version.
  • (Optional) Reboot computer. This is not required but recommended if VSPE virtual devices are still being used by other applications.
  • Download latest VSPE version from this web site for your platform (x64, arm64 or x32 zip archive).
  • Open/extract zip archive and run MSI file for your operating system platform (for example SetupVSPE_64.msi).
  • Thats it. Reboot is not required.

How do I configure VSPE to load the configuration when Windows starts (before login)?
  • Start VSPE.
  • Click "Tools -> Program settings" menu item.
  • Set "Load VSPE devices on Windows startup" to "yes".
  • Please note that even though VSPE application will not be started, the devices will still be loaded.

VSPE Startup

How do I configure VSPE to load the configuration when Windows starts (after login)?
  • Save VSPE config file to some location.
  • Open Windows Startup folder by running "shell:startup".
  • Create shortcut to your saved VSPE configuration in Windows startup folder.

How can I share existing COM port (COM9) with multiple applications using VSPE?
  • Close application which is currently using COM9.
  • Start VSPE.
  • Create new Virtual Splitter device ("Device -> Create new device...").
  • Specify data source COM port: COM9.
  • Important: Click "Settings..." and configure source COM port settings (Speed, RTS/DTR state etc) - the same way you were connecting to COM9 before.
  • Add virtual COM ports (as many as needed). For example, COM1, COM2, COM3 etc.
  • (Optional) Configure individual virtual COM ports (redirect modem registers, allow writing etc).
  • Click "Finish".
  • Configure your applications to use one of virtual COM ports (COM1, COM2, COM3) instead of COM9.

VSPE Splitter

I want to share my HAM Radio with multiple applications. How do I do that?
  • First of all, you need to know how your radio is configured: what the RTS and DTR signals do. For example, RTS can control Send, and DTR can control transmitting CW/RTTY.
  • To share your radio with multiple applications, you can use either a single Splitter device or a combination of devices (for complex scenarios).
  • Splitter: Select the source COM port for your radio, go to the source port settings and set the initial RTS/DTR states to 0 (off) so that your radio does not turn automatically (if applicable to your scenario).
  • Splitter: Add virtual ports - one virtual port for each application.
  • Splitter: Configure virtual ports depending on what application is connecting to it. Make sure the "Redirect modem registers" check is not checked if the application does not need to update the RTS/DTR registers (in the latest VSPE version you can redirect only the registers you need).
  • Configure each application: Set Handshake to None and set the DTR/RTS state correctly (depending on what the application is doing).
  • If you have any difficulties or issues with configuration, please contact us and we will try to help you.

Latest news
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